
How to Find the Right Freelancer?

Gig4u is a platform for on-demand service providers. We help customers and service providers to find each other, negotiate and get the work done. Hiring the right candidate is a critical aspect of getting your project done.

At the same time, there is a huge talent crunch. It is important for the customer and service provider to match a lot of parameters.

Find the Right Freelancer on Gig4U:

How to get the right candidate? How to make sure you are choosing the right candidate for your project?

You can shortlist the relevant candidates in two ways on Gig4u :
1. Look through the dashboard's suggested service providers.
Based on your industry and the most current post, gig4u's talent acquisition team compiles a list of service providers with the skill-sets you're looking for. The list is then placed under your profile for you to review. To see all of the candidates, click "see more," which will take you to a page with a list of dependable candidates.

      • Select the "Find service provider" tab to be sent to a page with a section for finding candidates based on their abilities and experience. This page is also accessible via the "see more" option beneath your profile, in the suggested service provider area.
      • This is how the page looks like:
    • To get the best candidate for your project, accurately fill out the required sections. When you click the "search" button, it will provide a list of relevant profiles that meet the criteria you entered.
    • In addition, based on the parameters/criteria you selected, you can also invite these shortlisted profiles by clicking the "invite" button in the corner of each candidate profile.
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