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Gig4U Insights: Charting the Rise of Sales and Marketing in India’s Gig Economy | 2023

In this article, we’ve compiled a series of admirable data and statistics that showcase the growth the sales and marketing industry has seen in recent years. Especially, becoming the top contributor to the growth of the gig economy in India.

Dive into the numbers and discover why sales and marketing roles are dominating the Indian gig market and how.

Introduction to the Gig Economy | 2023

Those who are already aware of what the gig economy is can directly scroll to the main topic below.

The gig economy, a term coined to describe a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs, has witnessed a significant surge in recent years.

This transformation has redefined how individuals approach work, with an emphasis on flexibility, autonomy, and diverse income streams.

Furthermore, the gig economy in sales and marketing exhibits a relatively balanced gender distribution, with 45% of gig professionals being female. This stands in contrast to some other industries within the gig economy.

India's Gig Economy Landscape   

As of 2023, India stands as one of the world's most promising markets for gig work. NASSCOM reports indicate that the gig economy contributes over 1.25% to India's GDP, a figure that continues to grow.

Market size and growth trends   

With the proliferation of digital platforms, the gig economy is estimated to expand further, offering opportunities across various sectors.

Projections? According to PwC, industry experts anticipate the gig economy in India to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.4% over the next five years, underscoring its potential for continued expansion.


According to NASSCOM, the gig economy in India is estimated to be worth over USD 50 billion, representing a significant share of the country's workforce.

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Key sectors dominating the landscape   

While gig work spans numerous industries, certain sectors have emerged as hotspots for freelance professionals.

Technology, content creation, and e-commerce have witnessed exponential growth, presenting a vast arena for sales and marketing experts to thrive.

Digital marketing roles, encompassing areas such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media management, constitute nearly 60% of all marketing gigs in India's gig economy. This reflects the digital-first approach adopted by businesses.

Sales and Marketing: Pillars of Gig Economy   

Statista forecasts a 12% year-over-year growth in global e-commerce sales in 2023. This growth presents a significant opportunity for marketing professionals with expertise in e-commerce strategies and platforms.

Definition in the context of the gig economy:

  • Sales involve not only the traditional act of selling products or services but also encompass strategic planning, lead generation, and customer relationship management.

  • Marketing, on the other hand, extends beyond advertising and includes digital marketing, content creation, and brand management.

Gig4U reports that the most demanded gig jobs posted on the portal are sales niche and demand of sales workers is soaring in India. ~ Gig4U

What’s their vital role in the gig ecosystem?

  • Sales and marketing professionals serve as crucial intermediaries, connecting businesses with their target audiences.

  • Their expertise is instrumental in driving revenue, brand visibility, and customer engagement for both startups and established enterprises operating within the gig economy.

According to eMarketer, in 2023, businesses are projected to spend over $100 billion on social media advertising globally. This data underscores the continued significance of social media marketing skills in the gig economy.

Emergence of Specialized Gig Roles   

#1 Niche sales roles in the gig economy  

A distinctive feature of the gig economy is the emergence of specialized roles. This includes sales roles focused on specific industries or products, such as SaaS solutions or luxury goods.

These niches provide opportunities for experts with in-depth knowledge to thrive.

Within the gig economy, specialized sales roles catering to industries like software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, healthcare technology, and Fin-tech have seen a surge in demand. Experts in these niches are commanding premium rates due to their specialized knowledge.

#2 Evolving landscape of marketing specialists  

Marketing in the gig economy has evolved from generalists to specialists. Content marketers, SEO experts, social media strategists, and data analysts are in high demand.

This shift towards specialization allows businesses to tap into highly targeted and effective marketing strategies.

According to studies, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of gig work in sales and marketing, with a 35% increase in the number of professionals entering the gig economy in 2020 and 2021.

Highlighting key trends and areas of expertise that are in high demand. 

  1. Customer Engagement and Personalization: A study by Salesforce reveals that 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is crucial to winning their business. This emphasizes the significance of personalized marketing strategies in the gig economy. (Source: Salesforce State of the Connected Customer Report)

  2. Video Content Consumption: According to a report by Cisco, by 2023, video content is projected to represent 82% of all internet traffic. This highlights the increasing importance of video marketing skills for sales and marketing gig professionals. (Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index)

  3. Voice Search and SEO: ComScore estimates that by 2023, half of all online searches will be conducted through voice. This indicates the growing relevance of voice search optimization in the marketing strategies employed by gig professionals. (Source: ComScore Voice Search Study)

  4. Mobile Shopping Trends: An eMarketer study reports that in 2023, mobile will account for 73% of e-commerce sales. This data emphasizes the need for mobile-optimized marketing strategies and websites in the gig economy. (Source: eMarketer Mobile Shopping Trends Report)

  5. Social Proof and Consumer Trust: A BrightLocal survey reveals that 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. This underscores the importance of reputation management and review marketing skills for sales and marketing gig professionals. (Source: BrightLocal Consumer Review Survey)

  6. Content Personalization and Conversion Rates: Aberdeen Group finds that personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 14%, and conversions by 10%. This highlights the impact of content personalization on email marketing effectiveness. (Source: Aberdeen Group Email Marketing Personalization Study)

  7. AI and Marketing Automation Adoption: According to a report by VentureBeat, 80% of marketing executives believe that artificial intelligence will revolutionize marketing by 2023. This points to the growing integration of AI and automation technologies in marketing strategies within the gig economy. (Source: VentureBeat AI in Marketing Report)

  8. Content Marketing Budget Allocation: Content Marketing Institute reports that businesses allocate, on average, 41% of their marketing budgets to content marketing. This indicates the significant investment in content creation and distribution, making content marketing skills highly valuable in the gig economy. (Source: Content Marketing Institute Budget Allocation Study)

  9. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Growth: SiriusDecisions estimates that 70% of B2B companies will have an ABM strategy by 2023. This demonstrates the increasing adoption of account-based marketing, requiring specialized skills in targeting and engaging high-value accounts. (Source: SiriusDecisions ABM Adoption Forecast)

Factors driving sales and marketing gigs in India 

Freelancers demographics in sales and marketing? In 2023, approximately 45% of freelancers specializing in sales and marketing in India are in the age group of 25 to 34, indicating a strong presence of young, tech-savvy professionals in this sector. 

Here’s why sales and marketing jobs soaring in the gig economy in India.

#1 Economic Factors 

India's burgeoning startup ecosystem and the continuous growth of SMEs have led to an increased demand for sales and marketing expertise.

Businesses, big and small, recognize the pivotal role of effective sales and marketing strategies in driving revenue and market penetration.

A report by HubSpot reveals that businesses hiring sales and marketing gig professionals experience a 30% reduction in customer acquisition costs compared to traditional hiring methods. This cost-effectiveness is a significant driver for the adoption of gig workers.

#2 Technological Advancements   

The rapid technological advancements in India have democratized access to markets. With the proliferation of digital platforms, businesses can now reach a global audience.

Sales and marketing professionals who harness these technologies stand at the forefront of the gig economy.

According to KPMG India, “Technology and IT services, content creation, e-commerce, and healthcare services are among the leading sectors driving gig work in India.”

The software and technology sector remains a primary driver of demand for sales professionals in the gig economy, accounting for approximately 35% of all sales gigs. This is followed by the healthcare and finance sectors, which contribute significantly to the demand.

#3 Shift in consumer behavior   

Changing consumer preferences, largely influenced by digital experiences, have necessitated innovative sales and marketing approaches. 

Personalization, user-centric strategies, and data-driven decision-making have become paramount, creating a demand for skilled gig professionals.

A Nielsen study indicates that 70% of consumers trust the recommendations of influencers, demonstrating the impact that influencer marketing can have on driving sales for businesses leveraging gig professionals with expertise in this area.

Key players and platforms in sales and marketing gigs   

 #1 Noteworthy gig platforms   

The gig economy has seen the emergence of several noteworthy platforms that serve as focal points for sales and marketing professionals.

Notably, Gig4U leads the pack, in addition to this, established platforms have also played significant roles. Furthermore, niche platforms have come into play, exclusively catering to sales and marketing gigs.

Recent data indicates that these platforms collectively facilitate thousands of transactions and collaborations between skilled professionals (including remote and field workers) and businesses each month.

For instance, Gig4U alone boasts over, and 15,000 freelancers user base as of today (12th Sept 2023), showcasing the robust nature of these gig platforms in connecting talent with enterprises.

 #2 Role of Freelance Marketplaces   

Freelance marketplaces have streamlined the process of finding and hiring sales and marketing experts. They offer a range of services, including secure payment systems, dispute resolution, and feedback mechanisms, creating a conducive environment for gig professionals to thrive.

The Data & Marketing Association (DMA) reports that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment (ROI) is $42. This demonstrates the value of email marketing expertise for gig professionals.

Data-backed trends in sales and marketing gigs   

Demand vs. Supply: Analyzing the discrepancy   

While the demand for skilled sales and marketing professionals is on the rise, there exists a noticeable gap in the supply of specialized talent. This presents an opportunity for experts to carve out lucrative niches within the gig economy.

As per the Economic Times, “While the demand for skilled sales and marketing professionals is on the rise, studies show that there is a noticeable gap in the supply of specialized talent. This highlights a significant opportunity for professionals in this field.”

Geographic hotspots for sales and marketing gigs   

Certain regions within India, particularly metropolitan areas and technology hubs serve as epicenters for sales and marketing gigs.

While metropolitan areas like Bangalore and Mumbai continue to lead in demand for sales and marketing gigs, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India like Pune and Chennai are experiencing a notable uptick in demand, showcasing a broader geographic spread of opportunities.

These cities are witnessing rapid growth in startups and SMEs, creating opportunities for sales and marketing experts to tap into these markets.

Earnings and compensation in sales and marketing gigs 

Average earnings of sales professionals 

The earnings potential for sales professionals in the gig economy varies widely based on factors such as experience, specialization, and industry. On average, experienced sales experts can command rates that rival or exceed those of their full-time counterparts.

Reports indicate that top-performing sales professionals in India's gig economy can earn upwards of INR 1,00,000 per month.

Compensation models in marketing gigs 

Marketing gig professionals often employ a diverse range of compensation models. These may include project-based fees, hourly rates, or performance-based incentives.

Some marketing experts also negotiate retainer contracts, providing a steady income stream. The flexibility to choose compensation models allows gig professionals to tailor their earnings to their preferences and expertise.

A notable shift is observed in the compensation models for marketing gigs, with an increasing number of professionals opting for performance-based incentives. This trend aligns with businesses' focus on ROI-driven marketing strategies.

Skills in Demand: Sales and Marketing 

#1 Core Competencies for Sales Gigs

In the gig economy, sales professionals must possess a unique set of skills. Beyond traditional salesmanship, adaptability, strategic thinking, and the ability to leverage technology are crucial.

Data-driven decision-making and proficiency in CRM tools have also become indispensable skills for sales gig success.

A study by McKinsey & Company indicates that businesses that effectively leverage data-driven marketing strategies and customer segmentation experience a 10% increase in customer lifetime value. This highlights the importance of data-driven marketing skills in the gig economy.

#2 In-Demand Marketing Skills in the Gig Economy

Marketing professionals thriving in the gig economy are adept at navigating the digital landscape. Proficiency in SEO, content marketing, social media management, and data analytics are highly sought-after skills.

Additionally, a keen understanding of consumer behavior and the ability to create compelling, data-driven campaigns are key to standing out in this competitive space.

Data-driven marketing skills are particularly sought after in the gig economy, with a 25% increase in demand for experts proficient in data analytics, A/B testing, and customer segmentation. This reflects the growing emphasis on data-driven decision-making in marketing strategies.

Challenges and opportunities in sales and marketing gigs 

#Competition and over-saturation 

As the gig economy continues to grow, so does the competition. This presents a challenge for new entrants to establish themselves in a crowded marketplace. However, it also underscores the importance of specialization and finding unique value propositions to differentiate oneself.

A survey of businesses reveals that 70% prefer hiring gig workers for specialized projects, while 60% value the flexibility and expertise that freelancers bring to sales and marketing initiatives.

 #Upsides and downsides of freelancing 

Freelancing offers unparalleled freedom and flexibility, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. While gig professionals have the autonomy to choose their projects and clients, they are also responsible for self-marketing, managing finances, and dealing with irregular income streams.

Striking a balance between independence and stability is a crucial aspect of navigating the gig economy.

Regulatory environment for gig workers 

Legal protections and rights 

As the gig economy expands, governments are increasingly recognizing the need to establish legal protections for gig workers.

India has taken steps to formalize gig work, providing workers with certain rights and benefits. This includes access to social security schemes and protection against unfair practices.

India has witnessed an uptick in discussions around the rights and protections of gig workers. Recent regulatory trends include discussions on minimum wage standards and social security benefits for gig professionals. (Source: Ministry of Labour and Employment, India)

Emerging Regulatory Trends in India 

The regulatory landscape for gig workers in India continues to evolve.

Recent discussions have revolved around issues like minimum wage standards, healthcare benefits, and ensuring fair working conditions. Keeping abreast of these developments is crucial for gig professionals to protect their rights and interests.

Adaptation and resilience: traits of successful gig professionals 

Surveys indicate that 75% of sales and marketing gig professionals report high job satisfaction levels, attributing their success to the autonomy, flexibility, and financial rewards that come with gig work.

So, what are these traits?

#1 Skill upgradation and continuous learning

The dynamic nature of the gig economy demands that professionals remain adaptable and open to learning. Staying updated with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices is essential for sustaining a thriving gig career.

In response to the dynamic nature of the industry, 80% of sales and marketing gig professionals are actively engaged in upskilling and pursuing certifications in areas like SEO, data analytics, and social media advertising.

#2 Building a personal brand in the gig economy

Establishing a strong personal brand is paramount for success in the gig economy. This involves showcasing expertise, delivering exceptional results, and cultivating a reputation for reliability and professionalism.

A robust personal brand not only attracts clients but also fosters long-term relationships and referrals.

On average, sales and marketing gig professionals report a client retention rate of 80%, showcasing the ability of gig workers to build lasting relationships and deliver consistent value to their clients.

 Future projections: Sales and marketing in the Indian gig economy 

 #1 Anticipated trends and transformations 

Predicting the future of the gig economy requires a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics. Forecasts indicate a continued growth trajectory for sales and marketing gigs, driven by factors such as digital transformation, increased startup activity, and evolving consumer behavior.

Data reveals that for every dollar invested in social media advertising by businesses hiring gig professionals, there is an average return of $6.50 in revenue, underlining the value of social media expertise in the gig economy.

 #2 Projections for market growth and technological integration 

As technology continues to advance, it is expected to play an even more integral role in the gig economy.

Artificial intelligence, automation, and data analytics are poised to revolutionize how sales and marketing professionals operate, opening up new avenues for innovation and efficiency.

According to Nvidia CEO Mr. Jensen Huang “India could be the world’s greatest exporter of AI and personnel.”

Impact on traditional sales and marketing roles 

The changing face of employees and corporate sales and marketing:

  • For many professionals, the gig economy offers an opportunity to supplement or even replace traditional full-time employment.

  • Some individuals choose to maintain a blend of both, leveraging their expertise in sales and marketing to access a diverse range of income streams.

  • The rise of the gig economy has prompted businesses to rethink their approaches to sales and marketing.

  • Companies are increasingly tapping into the pool of freelance experts to access specialized skills and resources, leading to a transformation in how sales and marketing functions are structured within organizations.

Resource roundup: Tools and platforms for sales and marketing gig professionals 

A curated selection of tools and software can significantly enhance the effectiveness of sales and marketing gig professionals.




An all-in-one inbound marketing, sales, and customer service platform. It offers tools for email marketing, CRM, social media management, and more.


Vey popular email marketing platform that provides automation, analytics, and templates for creating and sending professional marketing emails.


A comprehensive digital marketing toolkit that offers tools for SEO, content marketing, social media management, and competitive analysis.

Google Analytics

A web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic, providing insights on user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion data for effective marketing strategies.


A social media management platform that allows scheduling, monitoring, and analyzing social media content across multiple platforms.


A customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps manage sales leads, track customer interactions and automate various aspects of the sales process.


A social media management tool that offers scheduling, analytics, and content curation features to streamline social media marketing efforts.

Trello, Airtable

The Project management tools help organize tasks, set priorities, and collaborate with team members, making it useful for planning and executing marketing campaigns.


A powerful SEO toolset that provides insights into backlinks, keywords, and content strategies, enabling effective SEO planning and optimization.

Besides that, one must join online communities for Gig workers. Engaging with online communities tailored to gig professionals provides a wealth of knowledge and support. 

You may underestimate the significant value that lies within these online forums and groups, where gig workers can come together to connect, learn, and foster their professional growth.


Here are 9 questions and answers to quench your curiosity. If these answers don't quite satisfy your inquiries, please don't hesitate to leave a comment, and we'll be sure to respond.

Q1. What exactly is the gig economy, and how does it relate to sales and marketing?

Ans. The gig economy refers to a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work. In the context of sales and marketing, it involves professionals offering their expertise and services on a project or freelance basis to businesses looking to enhance their sales and marketing efforts.

Q2. What types of roles and opportunities exist for sales and marketing professionals in the gig economy?

Ans. Sales and marketing professionals in the gig economy can find a wide range of opportunities, including specialized sales roles, content creation, digital marketing, social media management, and much more. The gig economy caters to a diverse set of skills within the sales and marketing spectrum.

Q3. How can I determine my earning potential as a sales or marketing gig professional in India?

Ans. Earning potential in the gig economy varies based on factors like experience, specialization, and industry demand. It's advisable to research industry-specific rates and gauge your potential earnings based on your expertise and the value you bring to clients.

Q4. What challenges should I be aware of when entering the gig economy as a sales or marketing professional?

Ans. Challenges in the gig economy can include competition, income volatility, and the responsibility of managing your own business aspects (like taxes and client acquisition). It's essential to be prepared for these challenges and have strategies in place to address them.

Q5. How can I stay updated and competitive in the constantly evolving field of sales and marketing in the gig economy?

Ans. Staying updated involves continuous learning and adapting to industry trends and technologies. Networking, joining professional communities, taking relevant courses, and keeping an eye on emerging tools and platforms are effective ways to remain competitive in this dynamic field.

Q6. Is there a demand for specialized skills within sales and marketing in the gig economy, and how do I identify a niche?

Ans. Yes, there is a growing demand for specialized skills. To identify a niche, consider your interests, strengths, and the specific needs of businesses. Conduct market research to pinpoint areas with high demand, such as emerging industries or underserved markets.

Q7. What are the key differences between working as a full-time sales or marketing professional and freelancing in the gig economy?

Ans. Full-time roles typically offer stability but come with fixed responsibilities. In contrast, gig work offers flexibility but may require self-management, acquiring clients, and navigating income variations. Understanding these differences is essential for making an informed choice.

Q8. How can I build a strong personal brand as a sales or marketing gig professional?

Ans. Building a personal brand involves showcasing your expertise, delivering quality work, and cultivating a reputation for reliability. It's important to create a professional online presence, engage in thought leadership, and consistently deliver value to clients.

Q9. What impact does the regulatory environment have on sales and marketing gig professionals in India?

Ans. The regulatory environment is evolving, and it varies by location and sector. It's essential to stay informed about labor laws, tax regulations, and any benefits or protections available to gig workers. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for a successful gig career.

Conclusion: Key takeaways for aspiring professionals!

Gig4U welcomes you to take the first step towards the 1% who are truly utilizing the potential of the growing Indian gig economy. It’s time to seize the opportunities presented by the gig economy, With the right skills, mindset, and strategies, you can thrive in this dynamic and evolving landscape.

We hope you find the blog post resourceful. If you have any questions or anything we can assist you with, feel free to let us know. We’re here to help :) 

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