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Every Freelancer needs these 16 Skills!

Success in the career shown by a Hand

Yeah, freelance skills? You may be wondering, I already have expertise in one or two skills, what other skills are required?

You've already read our article about in-demand freelance skills, and aware of the skills that businesses demand.

In today's blog, we'll look at some important skills that many freelancers overlook.

I'd like to ask you: would you be a jack of all trades or a master of one?

Surprisingly, freelancing essentially transforms every freelancer into a jack of all trades.

How? Isn't it apparent that if you're a freelancer, you want to learn as many talents as possible? And, because talents become obsolete after a certain period of time, you must become a jack of all trades, even if you don't want to, if you really want to thrive in the freelancing world.

These 16 Essential Skills to Eat, Sleep and Breathe

You've probably heard the terms "soft skills" and "hard skills." Can you think of any other skills?

Please allow me to assist you!

Some of the most essential skills that every freelancer must have are listed below. Anyone who wants to be a successful freelancer can learn these skills.

Let us get started —

Empathy and Attitude

“Hire for attitude, train for skills”

Attitude Yes! Perhaps a positive attitude.

Let me ask you a question: Would you wish to work with someone who is talented but mistreats you? or has a bothersome attitude?

Or, work with someone who has a pleasant and understanding attitude, accepts their mistake, and is willing to correct it?

The above quote simply means: even if you’re an expert in your field, if you don’t have the right attitude, no client will reach out to you again.

Furthermore, organizations are now employing the same formulas to hire both freelancers and employees.

So, here are some attitude traits that a freelancer must have in order to perform well.

  • A problem-solving mindset.
  • An openness to self-improvement.
  • Offer a helpful hand.
  • Exhibit real interest.
  • Embracing rejection and criticism
  • Self-assurance and self-belief

While empathy and attitude go hand in hand, research shows that empathy can actually enhance your attitude.

And while contacting a client, you must exhibit genuine attention and empathy. A sincere attitude can actually help you get a decent deal.

Time Management

Time and time management are two elements that are unavoidable in our life. We are constantly on the move in this day and age. Time management should be a fundamental skill for all freelancers.

The lack of a boss to assign tasks to and establish deadlines is also a key issue for freelancers.

That is, as a freelancer, you are your own boss, so it is your responsibility to stay motivated, capable of doing your best work, and deliver for clients.

Logical Reasoning

Why is it noteworthy?

Because it is easier to attract business when we have a better grasp of the types of businesses we work with. There will be situations when you will have to raise your rates to meet the needs of the client and reconsider the work you are going to undertake.

Clients, however, will be puzzled as to why the fees are rising. They'll probably think you're merely overcharging them and may terminate relations with you.

To deal with such scenarios, you must be able to approach clients and provide better justifications for what you're doing, why you're doing it, and why it's necessary.

Negotiation and Sales

Every entrepreneur should have negotiation and sales abilities in their arsenal. What's the big deal about it? Actually, many people don't bother honing their negotiating and sales skills.

In fact, most people are unaware of when they have the best opportunity to land a project or a client.

If you come across a possible client or project, you must pursue it; yet, in order to do so, you must also know how to negotiate a fair agreement.

And, because there is so much rivalry in the market, it should be considered a must-have ability.

Industry Knowledge

One of the most difficult issues a freelancer has is a lack of industry expertise. Assume you've hired a virtual assistant. How do you know he or she is well-versed in your field? That is why, in today's world, knowledge is power.

Unlike in traditional and general organizations, where employees can learn about the company through their own experience and that of other employees.

Freelancers, on the other hand, typically rely on their own understanding and knowledge to give a service to a client.

As a result, in order to be a successful freelancer, you must have industry understanding.

You must keep up with the newest trends, be aware of what's new and what's on the horizon, and always be ready to adjust to changing circumstances.

Project Management

It is a difficult effort to work as a freelancer. Not only must you manage your time, but you must also manage your client's expectations.

Learn project management skills to make freelancing easier and to hold yourself accountable.

Project management is basically the process of managing your projects so they don’t slip away from your vision. This ability can help you stay on track and meet your deadlines.

Writing & Research Skill

Every business, large or small, necessitates some type of communication. Emails, letters, and memos are the most common forms of communication. Writing and research skills are essential in corporate settings.

Freelancers require these abilities because their work may include creating contracts, conducting competitive research, and developing a strategy for approaching clients.

Stress Management Skill

Stress is something that cannot be avoided in life. This is due to the fact that stress is a state that occurs when there is a conflict between the demands and the resources required to meet the needs.

Stress has suddenly become a part of the freelancer's daily routine.

They have deadlines, demanding consumers, and their own standards that must be met by a specific date. All of these factors can build up and cause freelancers to feel overwhelmed.

And, because a freelancer does not have a boss continuously looking over their shoulder, there is no HR department to fall back on. You're completely on your own.

So, if you're going to be freelancing, prepare yourself by learning stress management techniques.

Quick Thinking

When you look at an image and figure out what is going on, you are exercising the skill of rapid thinking or quick reasoning. As freelancers, you are held accountable for the end-product, your delivery, on a short leash.

As a result, you must immediately connect the dots and reason your way from the source to the delivery of the finished product.

Decision Making

Ultimately, as a freelancer, you'll need to work independently and make judgments on every step you take based on the problems you confront – from getting started to landing a project to the end-product.

And, in my opinion, this is the most crucial distinction between a freelance career and a typical working career.

As a result, I believe the decision-making topic to be the golden key. Once you've mastered this skill, you'll be ready to take on the world.

Accounting Skills

It's a prevalent misconception that accounting is only for accountants.

Accounting is one of the abilities that most freelancers should work on. Everyone, especially freelancers, must keep detailed records of their profits and expenses. Are they investing in assets or not?

They must be well-versed in the financial and taxation domains. This ability is required if you want to keep track of your financial information.

Setting Boundaries

Of course, for many people, freelancing is a perfect method to work because it allows them the flexibility and freedom of working from home. When you don't have a set of rules for yourself, it's easy to become overwhelmed by work and nagging clients.

Setting boundaries is an important soft skill for any freelancer to have.

For example, when you start your own firm, you're going to be inundated with new and existing clients. However, as a freelancer, you have a lot on your plate and cannot accept any task that is assigned to you.

Furthermore, good client connections are similar to good interactions in other contexts. It's all about setting limits.

If you learn how to set boundaries, it will be much easier to work with clients.

Adaptability & Flexibility

“Be water my friend – Bruce Lee”

To advance your career as a freelancer, you must understand that working for clients will be difficult because you will have to deal with a multitude of problems.

You must manage your time so that you can work according to the needs of your clients and their time zone.

Some days will require you to work overtime, putting in extra effort and patience. In today's fast-paced, competitive environment, you must be considerably more adaptable and agile. Because you cannot afford to lose a client.

So, in order to achieve your goals without being stressed, you must have these talents.

Listening and Communication

Listening and communication skills are essential in any career. It assists us in developing positive relationships with clients, colleagues, and other professionals.

After all, who doesn't like being properly listened to and communicated with?

Focus on these talents if you want to create and maintain great relationships with your clients and peers.

When it comes to business, listening skills will ensure that you grasp the pain areas, requirements, and expectations of your clients or target audience. Communication skills, on the other hand, will assist you in clearly communicating your service or thoughts.

When you speak clearly, you naturally develop trust among your audience and with your client.


“Creativity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein”

Creativity is a skill that can assist you as a freelancer in brainstorming ideas to advance your freelancing profession. How?

You'll be amazed to learn how crucial creativity is for freelancers.

Do you have the ability to come up with inventive solutions for your clients? Are you inventive enough to do tasks in a timely manner?

We live in an era where originality and ideas are highly prized.

For example, you may pitch a client with imaginative, unique ideas, or you could present a customer with the same old, tried-and-true methods that every other freelancer offers.

Which pitch is most likely to be converted? The answer is obvious—it is unique one.

Another example: would you continue to work with a graphic designer who simply repeats old designs, or would you want to work with a designer that creates unique pieces each time?

Of course, it's the only one, right? And the ability to make such unique things necessitates creativity.

Growth Mindset

Last but not least, growth mindset: if you don't work on your mindset, you're doomed. A growth attitude is essential for anyone who is not only interested in freelancing employment.

And if you've decided to work autonomously without supervision, this mindset is essential. Why?

Because when things go tough, you won't have a boss to push you, no one to assign you deadlines, and no one to keep an eye on you!

However, nothing can stop you from succeeding if you have that mindset. You'll fail, but you'll have the fortitude to keep going.

A growth mentality will motivate you to:

  • Acquire new skills.
  • Approach clients.
  • Expand your business.
  • Strive to achieve your objectives.
  • Maintain vigilance and determination.

Final Words

“It’s easy to be a freelancer. It’s hard to be a successful freelancer. These 16 skills will help you be a successful freelancer.”

It all comes down to this: if you believe you lack the above skills, don't underestimate your potential. All of these skills can be learned.

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