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Rare Industries hiring Freelancers - Gig4U
Editor's Choice

While the common industries to hire freelancers would be Software, Digital Marketing, Training, and Administration there are a lot more industries joining the race in hiring freelance workers. This article highlights a few of those industries. Be ready to be surprised by how freelancers are making their way into the normal working of organizations and industries which are usually known to hire full-time, long-term employees.

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What to charge as a freelancer. Also, avoid being the cheapest, why?

How much should you charge for your services? Freelance pricing is tricky, and no one ever talks about it. We'll cover the various approaches you can take when to charge at each level and why it's essential to think about charging when you're trying to start.

This question has been raised by many beginning freelancers of how to charge, how much to charge, how to be competitive without undercutting everyone else in the same field, how not to be the cheapest etc.

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