
These days, gigs play a crucial role in labor-management in any industry. Gigs refer to engaging labor in non-traditional employment. They are temporary jobs that last for a small duration like short-term contracts and freelance work. This has shifted managing labor from permanent employment to project-specific short-term hiring. 

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An increasing number of professionals are jumping onto the gig wagon. Some do it to supplement their existing income. Some do it as independent freelancers. Some are just testing the waters before they can decide between full-time employment and freelancing. Regardless of your intention to be part of the gig economy, the burning question is how to effectively price the service you offer. Finding the best gig pricing model for you is a determining factor for a long and successful gig career.

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In today's rapidly evolving job landscape, a new economic model has emerged, known as the gig economy, also known as the on-demand or sharing economy. While the gig economy brings flexibility and control, it raises concerns about job security, income stability, and benefits.

In this blog post, we delve into the intriguing world of job security in the gig economy.

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